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Bubble Square


Vejle, Denmark

Concept development and user involvement of play ground and interconnection of three different residential areas in Nørremarken, Vejle, Denmark

Commissioned by Robocluster/Syddansk Universitet and Vejle Kommune


With architect Lene Mirdal



For Nørremarken we were invited to develop a user driven concept for a play ground in a mixed residential area. Both to create a common meeting point by the local shopping centre as well as to connect the social housing, the new and the old single-family house neighbourhood.

We decided to work from the idea of free play as well as the attempt to create a platform for meetings between generations.

We held workshops with seven different user groups and showed images of different types of play grounds, architecture, forms and places asking the question what can be played or done here. The ones that triggered the most ideas for play or activities were chosen as reference photos for the concept development.

We then integrated the digital physical play platform developed in collaboration with artists that made parallel projects in Odense and Esbjerg and PlayAlive, the company that had developed the technology.

We also suggested a way to physically connect the three neighbourhoods to the shopping centre by using sculptural and experience rich pointers. Creating a kaleidoscopic mirror pattern for a tunnel from the old neighbourhood and 3 m high mirror tubes in different thicknesses close to each other along the path way from the new neighbourhood towards the shopping centre.

Download the project report right here.

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 Kenneth Balfelt Team -- Foreningen ARD · Dybbølsgade 51, stuen · 1721 København V · 26 52 66 00 · 

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