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Artistically developed methods for user development 


Publication, method book

In this small publication, we briefly present a number of the principles, themes and methods that Kenneth Balfelt Team (KBT) has developed and follows when working with art and urban development. We review, among other things, how we understand the relationship between artist/advisor and citizens, the division of roles in the design phase, and KBT's relationship to time and integrity .

Secondly, we present the hand-held methods we use in relation to how we specifically approach art and urban space projects: Who do we involve, how many – and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of conversation and meeting? We also show how a thorough citizen involvement phase can have a conflict-solving effect on the local area if you strategically share your knowledge and insight with the residential areas.

Finally and in conclusion, we will review a number of the outputs that you get if you prioritize a thorough involvement process.

 Kenneth Balfelt Team -- Foreningen ARD · Dybbølsgade 51, stuen · 1721 København V · 26 52 66 00 · 

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