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The Development of Selde

Part of Sculpture-village Selde 2017 curated by Marianne Jørgensen

Art film about village development opportunities
By Kenneth A. Balfelt, edited by Thomas Elsted

What will happen to Selde?


Selde is a small village in Central Jutland 27 kilometres north of Skive with 350 inhabitants.​


Like so many other villages on the outskirts of Denmark, far away from the big and dominating cities, there are fears of shrinking. Every time a shop closes, a public institution cuts back, someone moves or dies, a ‘jolt’ of worry passes through the residents: What does this mean for us? When the municipality removed the older classes from Selde School, leaving only 0-6th grade, many people were dejected - and saw it as another step towards ‘closure’.

But when they look out over the fjord and see what the sea looks like today, right this very moment, and realise that nature is marvellous and paints its own picture day by day, hour by hour. Or an elderly resident once again volunteers and help out placing goods on the shelves at Brugsen. Then they know why they are here. And love it.

But what can residents themselves do to reverse the development, to preserve the town's institutions, such as the school, the senior centre, the hall and the few shops? What needs to be done and by whom? For some, it is known as the town of public art, so what role can art play? Should Selde collaborate with other small villages around it or create its own profile?


My work, which is a film of interviews with Selde residents about Selde's development, is located in Brugsen, one of the town's main meeting points. Here, everyone can see and hear 12 citizens' views on Selde's development and opportunities in the hope that it can start a debate in the town, the surrounding area and the municipality.


Visual artist Kenneth A. Balfelt




Realdania on the project Land of Possibilities (in Danish)

Mulighedernes Land – Nye veje til udvikling i yderområder 

(The Land of Opportunities - New paths to development in remote areas)

Mulighedernes Land -- erfaringer fra 16 projekter (pixieudgave)

(The Land of Opportunities -- experiences from 16 projects (pixie edition))

Trods dårlige odds - international inspiration til danske yderområder

(Despite bad odds - international inspiration for Danish peripheral areas)

Med udgangspunkt i stedet - Mulighedernes Land og det nye landdistriktsparadigme

(Starting from the place - Land of Opportunities and the new rural paradigm)

 Kenneth Balfelt Team -- Foreningen ARD · Dybbølsgade 51, stuen · 1721 København V · 26 52 66 00 · 

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