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The Team

Kenneth Balfelt (1).jpeg

Mobil: 26 52 66 00

skype: kennethbalfelt

Kenneth A. Balfelt

Visual Artist

Kenneth A. Balfelt is a visual artist driven by a strong social commitment and a keen interest in urban development. A frequent lecturer, Kenneth is a frequent lecturer and passionate about the development of cities and people through involvement, interdisciplinarity and method development. 

Kenneth has extensive experience in involving and working with the resources of socially vulnerable people.

Kenneth's starting point is always the specific context and the specific people he meets. Respect for the individual and their dignity is always both the starting point and the goal of his projects. As an artist, he is always rethinking, deconstructing, researching and developing new solutions. The most successful projects and processes are those that change things structurally, practically and politically. That's why we share knowledge, methods and tools with other practitioners in books, publications and films.  


Kenneth regularly participates in monitoring groups and advisory boards, for example for the development of the North Harbour in Copenhagen, Bording, Køge Søndre Havn, Jernbanebyen and Sydhavnen in Aarhus.


BA Fine Art and MA Art History from Goldsmiths College in London and HD (Marketing) from CBS.


Read more about the art of Kenneth Balfelt here



Johan August

Johan August
VIsual Artist

Kenneth Balfelt Team has a long-term artistic partnership with Johan August on stress prevention, mentally stimulating urban spaces and the development of Maria Kirkeplads. 

Kenneth Balfelt and Johan August have worked as an artistic duo since 2017.

For 30 years as an artist and cultural producer, Johan August has created works and projects in photography, theatre, installation, film, digital media and architecture, including the development of Denmark's first Nordic Swan Ecolabelled houses.


Educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Kaospiloterne and holds a BA in IT and Communication, University of Copenhagen.


Kenneth Balfelt Team // Johan August has most recently exhibited at Kunsten in Aalborg, Kunsthal Charlottenborg and in the Maria Project and development project in Rødovre Municipality. 


Mobile: 26 28 41 24


Project affiliates

Iben Schlanbusch

Iben Schlanbusch

architect MAA

Laura Bach Vilsgaard

Laura Bach Vilagaard
Project manager

Hanna Lockner

social anthropologist


A place to stay for the outdoor people

Roskilde Ring Park

for Roskilde Municipality


Iben has worked as an architect at Schmidt, Hammer og Lassen, Nova 5 Arkitekter, Arkitektfirmaet Erik Brandt Dam, C. F. Møllers Tegnestue, Tegnestuen Vandkunsten, Lenager Group, as a freelancer with the architectural practice B19 and now at Hele Landet - Sociale Arkitekter.


She is also a building economist and is currently studying for a master's degree in social entrepreneurship at RUC.

Mobile: 22 82 01 66



New ways to involve and understand our citizens

for Guldborgsund Municipality


Laura has a Master's degree in Social Science and Performance Design and has worked in the intersection between art and social change for many years.


She has worked academically with life transitions as a phenomenon and is interested in how we as a society and individual go through major changes and crises.


Laura is skilled at meeting people at vulnerable points in their lives and has made documentaries and podcasts centred on personal stories of vulnerable mothers and refugees, among others.


Laura has previously co-founded and been a driving force behind the establishment of two digital platforms called and, she has also worked as a project manager at Aarhus Film Workshop, Gellerup Film Workshop and at C:NTACT.


Mobile: 50 91 34 56



Artistic feasibility study:

New Rosenlundsbadet

for Jönköping Municipality, Sweden


Hanna is an anthropologist specialising in social aspects of urban development and art in public spaces. She has experience from fieldwork in Bali, New York and Stockholm where she conducted interviews, observations and studied the socio-political context. 


Hanna holds a Master's degree in Anthropology and Public Art from Stockholm University. She has also studied practical art at Konstskolan in Stockholm.


Mobile: +46 76-813 16 23


The Board of ARD (Art Research Dialogue)

Kenneth Balfelt Team and Niger Prison Project operate under the auspices of the ARD organisation.


The purpose of the association is to develop society on an artistic platform. 

The board of directors includes: 

- Kenneth A. Balfelt, Chairman, visual artist, mobile: 26 52 66 00,

- Gitte Skarsholm, social urban developer, mobile: 25 14 68 82,

- Laurits Adam Monty, urban planner, mobile: 30 22 03 17,

- Iben Schlanbusch, architect MAA, mobile: 22 82 01 66,

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